Saturday, January 5, 2013

Miss Teen Huyong-Huyong 2013: Pageant Mechanics

Official Logo of Miss Teen Huyong-Huyong 2013
Girls! The long wait is over... The search is on for the next Miss Teen Huyong-Huyong 2013. Last year was a success and this year we will be better than ever. Please take time in reading the pageant mechanics and be guided accordingly.


  • Open to all teens, 13 - 19 years old.
  • Height is NOT a requirement.
  • Must fill-out the registration form with complete details with a registration fee of Php50.00.
    • Registration is from January 6 - 15, 2013.
  • Registered candidates will already be given their corresponding numbers for online voting and contest proper.
  • Each candidate will have photo shoot to be posted in Facebook.
Ms. Photogenic:
  •  Pictures of each candidate will be posted on the TRIBU™ Huyong-Huyong Facebook Page.
  • Each "LIKE" will correspond 1 point. The number of "SHARE"s doesn't count as a vote.
  • The candidate with most "LIKE"s will be our Ms. Photogenic.
  • There will a separate prize for the winner.
  • Online voting will be from January 19 - 24, 2013.
Ms. Internet 2013:
  • Miss Internet will be judged according to the most number of votes in the survey conducted by the TRIBU™ Huyong-Huyong Youth Council.
  • The most number of hits in the survey; Who will be our Ms. Internet 2013, will win.
  • There will be a separate prize for the winner.
  • Survey starts from January 19 - 24, 2013.
Ms. Friendship:
  • The candidates will vote for Ms. Friendship. This candidate plays a vital role among the candidates. She is the best pal among the candidates.
  • There will be a separate prize for the winner.
  • Every candidate must present their uniqueness in the talent competition.
  • There will be NO swimsuit competition during the pageant night.
  • Candidates will only be wearing "Casual dress" as alternative to the expensive gown and "trendy sexy" for their production number.