Saturday, January 5, 2013

Miss Teen Huyong-Huyong 2013: Pageant Mechanics

Official Logo of Miss Teen Huyong-Huyong 2013
Girls! The long wait is over... The search is on for the next Miss Teen Huyong-Huyong 2013. Last year was a success and this year we will be better than ever. Please take time in reading the pageant mechanics and be guided accordingly.


  • Open to all teens, 13 - 19 years old.
  • Height is NOT a requirement.
  • Must fill-out the registration form with complete details with a registration fee of Php50.00.
    • Registration is from January 6 - 15, 2013.
  • Registered candidates will already be given their corresponding numbers for online voting and contest proper.
  • Each candidate will have photo shoot to be posted in Facebook.
Ms. Photogenic:
  •  Pictures of each candidate will be posted on the TRIBU™ Huyong-Huyong Facebook Page.
  • Each "LIKE" will correspond 1 point. The number of "SHARE"s doesn't count as a vote.
  • The candidate with most "LIKE"s will be our Ms. Photogenic.
  • There will a separate prize for the winner.
  • Online voting will be from January 19 - 24, 2013.
Ms. Internet 2013:
  • Miss Internet will be judged according to the most number of votes in the survey conducted by the TRIBU™ Huyong-Huyong Youth Council.
  • The most number of hits in the survey; Who will be our Ms. Internet 2013, will win.
  • There will be a separate prize for the winner.
  • Survey starts from January 19 - 24, 2013.
Ms. Friendship:
  • The candidates will vote for Ms. Friendship. This candidate plays a vital role among the candidates. She is the best pal among the candidates.
  • There will be a separate prize for the winner.
  • Every candidate must present their uniqueness in the talent competition.
  • There will be NO swimsuit competition during the pageant night.
  • Candidates will only be wearing "Casual dress" as alternative to the expensive gown and "trendy sexy" for their production number.

Monday, December 3, 2012

T-shirt Logo Contest Mechanics

The long wait is over for we will start the T-shirt Logo Contest.

Mechanics are as follows:

  • Open to all Sitio Huyong-Huyong youth with skill of art.

  • Logo must have a youthful driven theme and title.

  • Logo should be on JPEG file with not more than 200 MB.

  • No offensive images (eg. Marijuana or any drug related images; fraternity or sorority logo; sex or violence; discrimination to ones gender, religion or belief, or way of life; political influence and the like).

  • Violation on the above mentioned restrictions shall merit disqualification from the contest.

  • All entries will be send through email with your full details (full name and contact number) at on or before December 15, 2012 (Saturday).

  • All entries will be subject for evaluation by TRIBU™ Huyong-Huyong Youth Council (Officers) on the following criteria: 
              Youthful theme    -     50%
              Design & artistry  -     30%
              Uniqueness         -      20%
                               TOTAL =  100%
  • There will be only 10 qualifiers who will compete; their entries will be posted on the TRIBU™ Huyong - Huyong Profile page for casting of votes.
  •  Each "LIKE" will merit 1 vote meaning, more "LIKE"s the bigger chance of winning. (Voting period is from December 20 - 25, 2012)

  • The logos on Facebook can be shared but the number od "SHARE"s are NOT counted as a vote.

  • Top 3 number of likes will advance to finals through a survey on Facebook. (Survey will be on December 28 - 30, 2012)

  • The winner will be announced om January 1, 2013.
            WINNER 1st prize: Php 500.00 plus t-shirt with the new logo
                        2nd prize: Php 300.00
                        3rd  prize: Php 200.00


T-shirt printing with the new logo will follow after the results. T-shirts will NOT be pre-ordered but will be ordered individually. Please give your name, T-shirt size and payment on or before January 13, 2013 (Sunday).

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Voter's Registration

As the 2013 Elections is fast approaching. The TRIBU™ Huyong-Huyong Youth Council will conduct survey to all young people who haven't gone to voter's registration in Commission on Elections (COMELEC) office. The survey also includes the finalization of actual numbers of youth in the Sitio.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

One Tree, One Life

Climate Change has been already part of our lives and we will be living with it everyday. Storm serge, typhoons, monsoon rains, flash-floods, floods, casualties, death; these are the things that we will be facing and we can't just stop that --but we can do something to prevent worst scenarios to happen.

Why One Tree, One Life?

One Tree, One Life will be the 1st Tree Planting activity of the TRIBU™ Huyong-Huyong Youth Organization. One tree can save lives from all of these climate change and we only have one life to live and we see it as a precious one.

Our plan?

As the activity is still on it's progress, success will still be in our hands. We will be tapping Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for free seedlings and location for the said tree planting activity and the local barangay council together with the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) for transportation and financial assistance.

One Tree, One Life: the 1st Tree Planting activity of the TRIBU™ Huyong-Huyong Youth Organization.

This will be a whole day activity with nature very soon...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Help Manila Campaign

The recent monsoon rains and typhoon fled Luzon island that made the Philippines still noticeably helpless. After the typhoon, monsoon rains showered its overflowing waters that resulted to flashfloods and more casualties. Filipinos had already learned its lesson when it comes to these unwanted forces, after typhoon "Ondoy" and the "Mindanao Crisis" due to floods, lessons to be learned are still clogged like garbage in the creek.

Since Visayas and Mindanao were spared with this catastrophic ordeal, TRIBU™ Huyong-Huyong Youth Organization had come up with the "Help Manila Campaign". We will be collecting in-kind but usable items as help to our flood victims in Luzon preferably the National Capital Region (NCR).

As relief operations are still going on, we can be part of it by just giving something as a donation to the needy. 

Barangayan sa Bacayan 2012

The annual fiesta of Barangay Bacayan had just started, with it patronal saint Sr. San Roque. The fiesta usually starts during the 3rd week of September but due to some changes, it started on the 2nd week of August. As 1st novena had just started, it was commenced with "Barangayan sa Bacayan" which all sitios of the barangay come together in festive presentations and especially food.

Despite the early celebration, preparations were so tight that Sitio Huyong - Huyong was informed 2 days before the grand night. No time for meeting and all we need is full of hopes that we can present something for the audience.

Financial support is one of the factors that thrives us to be on the go. Rushing the props, costumes and even the music remix that participants will use on the dancing floor were all made on a hurry.

But everything was paid-off when we finally won the 1st place as the Biggest Delegation in whole of Barangay Bacayan.

Monday, February 6, 2012

TRIBU™ Pre-SUMMER Outing 2012

Who would ever thought that the long waited plan of going on an outing will realize. First it was just a suggestion, and the rest was making it realize. The Pre-SUMMER Outing of TRIBU™ Huyong-Huyong Youth Organization was held at Ocean Pearl Beach Resort at Mactan Island.

The preparation was simple, potluck system, Php50.00 registration, and ready to dive. The hassle of commuting was not a problem for we have the bus of Barangay Bacayan.

Using Facebook, we created an RSVP for those who would like to come. There were comments and some suggestions, only 22 people said "Yes" to come but during the day we were about to go, total of people who came was around 45. That's doubling the number of people who signed the RSVP. Minors, 17 years old and below were required to sign a waiver for them to come since this is a group activity.

standing ovation sa sulod kay puno ang bus pa Leyte..
It was awkward for everybody to be fully acquainted especially that after dinner, everyone had their own group to sit-in. But in the long run, everyone was still one.

uuuyyyy! excited na daw...

murag naay kuwang ngari..

Unsa man, DOTA ta?
Angelitas... .. .  .  .   .    .
Angelitos... .. . .  .  .    .
smile japun maskin magpa-didit nah..

The event was a successful one and sure to hit another outing this summer. So stick-in and keep posted to some announcements very soon.

sa pag "barrio-barrio" nagkahi-usa ra diay...
We would like to thank Ate Aimee Erana for dealing the Barangay Bus for our free transportation and for the parents' support and trust to the youth organization.