The long wait is over for we will start the T-shirt Logo Contest.
Mechanics are as follows:
- Open to all Sitio Huyong-Huyong youth with skill of art.
- Logo must have a youthful driven theme and title.
- Logo should be on JPEG file with not more than 200 MB.
- No offensive images (eg. Marijuana or any drug related images; fraternity or sorority logo; sex or violence; discrimination to ones gender, religion or belief, or way of life; political influence and the like).
- Violation on the above mentioned restrictions shall merit disqualification from the contest.
- All entries will be send through email with your full details (full name and contact number) at on or before December 15, 2012 (Saturday).
- All entries will be subject for evaluation by TRIBU™ Huyong-Huyong Youth Council (Officers) on the following criteria:
Design & artistry - 30%
Uniqueness - 20%
TOTAL = 100%
- There will be only 10 qualifiers who will compete; their entries will be posted on the TRIBU™ Huyong - Huyong Profile page for casting of votes.
- Each "LIKE" will merit 1 vote meaning, more "LIKE"s the bigger chance of winning. (Voting period is from December 20 - 25, 2012)
- The logos on Facebook can be shared but the number od "SHARE"s are NOT counted as a vote.
- Top 3 number of likes will advance to finals through a survey on Facebook. (Survey will be on December 28 - 30, 2012)
- The winner will be announced om January 1, 2013.
2nd prize: Php 300.00
3rd prize: Php 200.00
T-shirt printing with the new logo will follow after the results. T-shirts will NOT be pre-ordered but will be ordered individually. Please give your name, T-shirt size and payment on or before January 13, 2013 (Sunday).